Monday, September 24, 2007

Random Blogging

I don't really know what to write about so I'm going to just talk about whatever. Tomarrow I have a volleyballgame is our first away game!
Todays lunch was pritty good it was chicken strips, my salad was pritty much delicious.


j turcotte said...

Way to go Rachel! You successfully posted your first blog entry. It was fun hearing about your delicious salad and tasty chicken strips.

Two minor spelling mistakes...pritty is pretty and tomorrow never has an "a". E's are always prettier than I's because they have more curves (he he he). No big dealio, just thought it was a good learning moment.

Good luck at your game!

j turcotte said...

Way to go Rachel! You successfully posted your first blog entry. It was fun hearing about your delicious salad and tasty chicken strips.

Two minor spelling mistakes...pritty is pretty and tomorrow never has an "a". E's are always prettier than I's because they have more curves (he he he). No big dealio, just thought it was a good learning moment.

Good luck at your game!